Irish marriage referendum gives hope for Slovakia, says Freedom & Solidarity party

Irish marriage referendum gives hope for Slovakia, says Freedom & Solidarity party

The results of the referendum in strongly Catholic-oriented Ireland which has enabled marriages between individuals of the same gender offers a glimmer of hope to Slovakia, as well, thinks MP and Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) teamleader for personal freedoms Juraj Droba. "I appreciate the maturity of voters, who haven't let themselves be misled by intolerant religious doctrines and have voted for the introduction of marriage between people of the same gender", said Droba on Monday. Droba pointed out that Ireland used to have a ban on birth control in the 1970s, with homosexuality no longer being classified as a crime only since the 1990s. He views the referendum and development of human rights as huge progress, therefore. Christian Democrat party chair Jan Figeľ however does not share the same view, calling the referendum results another step towards undermining the 'institution of the natural family' and 'casting doubt under the veneer of modern human rights'. According to Figeľ, throughout the history of humankind marriage has always been reserved exclusively as a union between a man and a woman. "The nature of man cannot be changed by political redefinition, nor by any plebiscite. That's why I consider the amendment to the Constitution on the protection of marriage to be particularly important", said Figeľ.

Gavin Shoebridge, Photo: AP/SITA

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