A look behind the sneeze

A look behind the sneeze

About 1 033 000 Slovaks suffer from allergies. In the first part of Radio Slovakia International's special series focused of Slovakia's healthcare system, Anca Dragu looks at what causes this high incidence and at the business of catering to people with allergies.

Allergies Máte problém s prehrávaním? Nahláste nám chybu v prehrávači.

In two weeks time we take a look at how Slovaks' eating habits have changed and what kind of impact it has on their health. Then we deal with the issues of stigma attached to mental health issues and the growing concerns over aging related diseases. In later episodes will talk to doctors about how they deal with the avalanche of information that modern technology brings their way and how their social status has changed over the years. We will hear how Slovak patients have learned how to be more assertive and of course we will immerse ourselves in the seemingly never ending saga of the reform of the Slovak healthcare system.

Anca Dragu, Photo: Anca Dragu

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